These are my original poems,song lyrics and short stories made and constructed by me. If you are a professional and would like to use my material, please feel free contact me. I hope you will enjoy them. the thoughts behind them all have specific purpose and others a line of thought from my imagination. Some have said i have lost "it" but I say " there's been no real attempt to find it "

Monday, November 14, 2011

No Goodbyes

            We sat there in the car in total silence other than the occasional shuffle or pretend cough. Both of us not wanting to be there but compelled by the unnatural forces binding us not to be the first one to open the door, ultimately being the first to motion retreat by the action. Some pretend attempts to start a false conversation that failed on purpose from each of us tried to escape our lips. But nothing was said and the minutes passed uncomfortably in our self made prison of love gone bad.
            We knew it was over but something always tugs or gnaws at ones inner core about such things, in respect you think when is it actually over, at what moment in space and time does it start? You pretend you knew when it was but until that final goodbye there is that doubt that comes with not wanting to lose the loss. Something inside you wants to try and fix this thing that has manifested itself over time to your heart and soul. It’s like and actual part of your body being ripped right off you as you are helpless to stop it. All you can do is witness it all happen in slow motion and deal with the trauma in the aftermath.
The true cruel twisted humor of it is you question the entire menagerie before it even happens and play and replay all the possible scenarios or outcomes in your head for days if not weeks pre-planning the whole event when or if it should happen. Not thinking it would but you have been hurt before so subconsciously it auto invades in your brain the self preservation of your heart and conditioning the pain to self construct a wall or barrier from those that would pretend. Pretend to care, pretend to love, pretend to have a family, pretend to allow you to conceive forever.
            They are heartless in their intent to contempt our feeling, they use them like a security blanket and dare to roll all up in it leaving our feet exposed to the cruel nights cold. They are the cold, the darkness, the abyss. Never there but always there, no substance but yet is everything. Their terrorany spreads itself in you like a virus eating away at all of you simultaneously in little bits securing its foot hold in every part of you.
          Now the time arises to cleanse yourself from all the toxins they have planted in you and they don't want to lose control, after all they have planned and scrutinized every waking moment to get this far. To them the game is yet to be played and we are at our wits to end it here and now. To be rid of their toxic influences that corrupts our very existence in this place, this time, this plane, even this very moment as you open the door and walk away with no goodbyes

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