These are my original poems,song lyrics and short stories made and constructed by me. If you are a professional and would like to use my material, please feel free contact me. I hope you will enjoy them. the thoughts behind them all have specific purpose and others a line of thought from my imagination. Some have said i have lost "it" but I say " there's been no real attempt to find it "

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

the vines

I see the vines and their tangled twists
each striving to gain a path to the light
careful to anchor itself along the way
no point going forward without them
for the wind or rain could stop them cold
onward to the warmth of the sun
there's no stopping them from they're goal
up , up and away across what may divide
the creatures of the forest using them as roads
some take advantage of they're strength
others clear them from they're growth
never ever ending is their only chore
to reach the the life giving force
one has to marvel at their green leafed displays
each one beautiful in its own special way
always reaching for as long as it can go

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