These are my original poems,song lyrics and short stories made and constructed by me. If you are a professional and would like to use my material, please feel free contact me. I hope you will enjoy them. the thoughts behind them all have specific purpose and others a line of thought from my imagination. Some have said i have lost "it" but I say " there's been no real attempt to find it "

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Master Plan

Well she didn't trust me
And I don't blame her
After all I couldn't be there
But she doesn't understand
I tried to be a good father
Tried to protect her from harm
But fate wouldn't intervene
And she was lost to me
For so long
Then one day
After too many years
She contacted me
Too many sleepless nights
Wondering how she was
Abandoned by her mom
Wondering why no one loved her
Not knowing she was kept from me
All the horror stories were not true
It’s a real shame what some people do
Out of hate and despite too
They don't care if they hurt you
It’s just not right to do it to the children
Oh daddy why did you leave me all alone
All these years for so long
Why didn't you want to talk to me?
What did I do that was so wrong?
Oh my darling my princess dear
I had no control over the years
Couldn't find you although I tried
I tried one day when you were younger
But you were so full of hate
So for 13 lonely years I’ve waited
Worried about you every day and night
Talked to many public officials about my fight
But no one seems to care about the non-custodial plight
Between greed and your mothers deceit
There's not much hope one can have or hold onto
Except inside while I hold back my tears
They just don't understand
There's only so much one can take
Before you break down with heartache
I know it’s been so hard for you my little one
I wish I could have been there for you
All these years
To hold your little hand
And kiss you good night
It was my master plan
But fate wouldn't intervene
And you were lost to me
Your mom would never do the right thing
She tried he best to make you forget
About your poor old dad
Everything I gave you she got rid of
She didn't want you to have anything to reminisce
Whatever she said it was all untrue
I'm not the monster she made me out to be
All I ever wanted was to love you and I do
Always and forever you are in my heart
You always were right from the start
No matter what they told you
So don't believe them now
When they say something construed
They don't want you to know the truth
They have had to cover up too many lies
That's why they would rather abandon you
If I would of only known
I would of come running to your side
I would of been there for you
But I know you don't trust me
And I don't blame you
After all I couldn't be there for you
And I know you don't understand
I tried to be a good father
Tried to protect you from harm
But fate just wouldn't intervene
And you were lost to me
But now we are found
Life has given us one more try
To get it right
For you to understand
Oh my darling my princess dear
I'm not the monster they made me out to be
Hopefully one day
Maybe love will replace the tears
(By Roelin Davis 5/16/2012 all rights reserved)

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