Walking in around in your cloud of misery
It's hard to see what's tripping me
I can't get a grip to save my life
As I wander in this fog you call love
There's no one around that can save me
I'm left wallowing within your swamp
Followed constantly by your moving logs
Trying to avoid the sneaky snakes in your bog
Listening to the call of your Coo Coo Birds
There's only glimpses of the sunshine peeking thru
Giving me hope that there's still a path away from you
A safe way to retreat far away from your insanity
I need some kinda clue to point me they way
For your moss grows around all sides of the tree
I thought you were the one
To free my lonely soul.
I thought you would be the one
To show my love how to grow.
I thought you could see
What's deep inside of me.
I thought you could believe in me
As I have always believed in you.
Don't you see the imprint that we see?
Can't you feel the indentation that you left?
There's the heavy burden we all load
The vessel that we are carries what you need
It's just another day
One that will lead the way
Thru the years and tears
You know our fear always blocks the sun
We never ever see it when it comes
It could be a devil in disguise
Or maybe an angel answering a prayer
It's always tough to know which one it is
When we're all torn between them and our sins
There's always a question that lingers
The bitter taste left on our tongues
Is the answer lying just beyond
Why in the world would you do this me?
Didn't I cherish you properly?
Showering you with all my loving charm
Now you bring down the heavens
Upon me and you and our true love
Wasted were the stars above
While I chased it with you and the moon
All that's left now is the darkness
Covering everything with its gloom
Don't you even miss it
What was the perfect love
Sure we had our good times
And then there was the bad times too
Well we always made it through them
That's still no reason why
Just to throw it all away
They say our love is seasoned thru
It must be just right for me and you
You know it takes time to believe in
Building it up stone after stone
But now you decided to bring it all down
You sip from my loving cup
And then you spit on my soul.
You take my love so willingly
And then you drain it of all its blood.
You captured my poor heart
And then you cut me to the bone.
You twist your poison knife
And then you cut my life in two.
I thought you were the one
To free my lonely soul.
I thought you would be the one
To show my love how to grow.
I thought you could see
What's deep inside of me.
I thought you could believe in me
As I have always believed in you.
(By Roelin Davis 3/3/2012 all rights reserved)
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