These are my original poems,song lyrics and short stories made and constructed by me. If you are a professional and would like to use my material, please feel free contact me. I hope you will enjoy them. the thoughts behind them all have specific purpose and others a line of thought from my imagination. Some have said i have lost "it" but I say " there's been no real attempt to find it "
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Like A Devil
There's heartache and misery
there's deceit and there's treachery
all the time between you and me
Time is like a devil
it's got lots of patience
lurking in our darkness
while it's waiting to steal our souls
You came to me one fine day
saying you want to be free
ya... free from me
Then on one of my dull and grey days
you came back again
wanting me to be a better man
and take you, take you back in
Ya...time is like a devil
it's got lots of patience
lurking in our darkness
while it's waiting to steal our souls
You yell until i give in
not wanting to be a lonely man
but I can't take being in the deep end
so I'm thinking about letting you go
Oh...there's heartache and misery
there's deceit and there's treachery
all the time between you and me
And time...well it's like a devil
it's got lots of patience
lurking in our darkness
while it's waiting to steal our souls
Waiting to steal our souls
waiting to steal my soul
And you.. suck the life right of me
draining me every day and night
You..constantly scream to start a fight
so I turn up the rock and roll
trying to drown out my misery, this misery
that comes with loving you
Yea're like a devil
you got a lot of patience
you lurk in my darkness
while you wait to steal my soul
Waiting to steal my soul
waiting to steal my soul
waiting to steal my soul
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/28/2013
Make Me Whole Again
Well there's really nothing more to tell
just another morning living in this hell
No I've got no one else to blame
yea.. it's all my fault and
I'll have to go down in flames
Falling in to this deep, deep hole
of this never ending darkness
the blackness covering me
You know it's all around me
swallowing me up whole
No way to to call out for help
besides no one would even hear me
because my voice is almost gone
For too long have I played the fool
hoping you would see me and my love for you
Don't hold out your hand unless you really willing
to try and understand this heart needs your healing
Only you... can give it to me
only you... can make me whole again
Only you... can make me whole again
only you... can make me whole again
When I was a young boy
day dreaming was my only joy
so many possibilities in my own little world
Then came the day my heart was cut in two
leaving me there to bleed
I called out for someone to love me
just to hold me and tell me
everything's gonna be alright
It's all just a part of God's cruel plan
to teach me about what life is for
Oh.. this path that I'm on
the road before me seems way too long
What sort of lesson this time
am I supposed to learn
when all I get is burned
And oh...
all these scars from my past
are just deep, deep regret
You know it's all around me
swallowing me up whole
No way to to call out for help
No I've got no one else to blame
yea.. it's all my fault and
I'll have to go down in flames
For too long have I played the fool
hoping you would see me and my love for you
Only you... can give it to me
only you... can make me whole again
Only you... can make me whole again
only you... can make me whole again
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/28/2013)
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Stop, Look and Listen
Freedom is just a word
that in school they made me learn
they thought they would teach me
the very thing to keep me in my place
but they didn't count on my independent streak
no they never seen me coming on
cuz I'm not the one to become their slave
the corporates and the government
can stick it where it never shines
cuz all of us we're not blind
we see their bullshit all of the time
they think we are all weak in the knees
just because we're all waiting
for some one we can all truly believe
but now we're ready to become strong
holding hands on White House lawns
trying to make ourselves be heard
we have them in our sights you see
and we're gonna hold them accountable
yeah, each and every one of them
for all our nation's spiraled downfall
all just for their own greed
how is it possible to ignore the families
their the ones that make up this proud land
they're the back bone of American society
cold and hungry in the dark and all alone
while those politicians are all snuggled up
on tax payer's sweat and dreams or subsidies
they snub their high and mighty nose
looking down at us like some feral anonymity
so my friend stand up and try to take control
vote to take away their political longevity
cut their terms to be the same as a Presidents
do away with dirty disgusting lobbyist
make it illegal to pork belly a bill will evil intent
stop corporates tax write offs
that don't put equal shares back in schools and this nation
everything from now on should be a forward motion
feed the hungry and future prosperity for every one
help clean the dirt from sad and lonely faces
please stand up for your fellow human
and demand that they stop, look and listen !
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/27/2013)
Sunday, February 24, 2013
It's Finally Time
Losing something here
don't know just what it means as of yet
There's this feeling of deep despair
an empty void that followed me here
Something in your eyes
I've never seen it there before
We tried I know it's true
together we sailed the skies so blue
the love we shared me and you
But now it's finally time
and it's come to this
You want to part our ways
just when i was ready to take the next step
I always had to wait for you
you shied away not wanting to
You tried to run away
then you came back crying too
We tried I know it's true
together we sailed the skies so blue
the love we shared me and you
But now it's finally time
and it's come to this
Don't want keep on doing this
my heart can't take it any more
Gonna have to let you go
you're gonna have to find your own way girl
This is tough and lonely world
it's so hard to hold on to anyone
if you're hoping for love
Yes we tried you know it's true
together we sailed those skies so blue
the love we shared me and you
but you now it's finally time
and you it's come down to this
I'll always love you in my heart and soul
how could I ever forget about you
you brought me so much joy
Even though we had our ups and downs
you know it's the time that we made love
that's what brought us even closer than before
Ya each and every time
But now you want to part our ways
just when I was ready to take the next step
Ya each and every time
I know I always had to wait for you
because you shied away not wanting to
Ya each and every time
You always tried to run away
then you would come back crying too
Ya each and every time
Yes we tried you know it's true
together we sailed those skies so blue
the love we shared me and you
But you now it's finally time
and you it's come down to this
Ya girl, I really loved you
oh so ..much
it hurt me to my core
watching you leave out that door
for the last time
The last time I'll ever see your smiling face
the last time I'll ever taste your kiss
the last time I'll ever feel your embrace
the last time I'll ever hear those words
the last time you'll ever say good bye
Oh good bye my darling
hope you find what you're looking for
hope you'll find someone in your life
but I don't hope you'll ever find
a love that was better than mine
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/24/2013)
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Gonna Be The One
You stood there in the door way
trapped in middle of your indecision
Just for a second there you thought
you heard my voice calling out to you
Now I could of sworn my Darling
that this was just the sort of thing
we had it out about this morning
saying we wouldn't be the one's
We would simply talk it over
when we felt we couldn't go on
Two hearts forever bound as one
until one of us secretly breaks the bond
Why couldn't we love one another
with the strength of new lover's
why did this love have to disintegrate
into the fiery depths of hell
Did desperation raise it's ugly head
or did you just lie about it all
I have to get off this merry go round
I'm spinning so far out of control
I can't be a part of this any more
my poor heart is ready to explode
too loud are the voices in my crown
they're telling me what I must do
I would rather run away
than to face you one on one
The deception in your eyes
you can't hide the part you played
I know too much to go back
even though you should know I tried
Two times before you came to me
this time there is no redemption
no where for you to run and hide
You can beg and plea
you can get on your knees
my eyes are wide open can't you see
now you lose your place by me
I have to be strong
I'm not the one here in the wrong
I need to hold my head up high
even though your treachery
wants to break me down and cry
[ I'm gonna be the one
ya I'm gonna be the one
I'm gonna be the one
I'm gonna be the one
ya I'm gonna be the one
I'm gonna be the one ]
(repeating last two verses over)
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/23/2013)
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
You Say You Made A Mistake
I don't care about this anymore
I've gone way past this, gone way too far
I cant even look you in the eye
How could you throw it
throw it all away
like this
just cast away our dreams
I used to love you with all my heart
but now I cant wait
until we, until we are apart
until we are apart
You say you made a mistake
that you won't ever do it again
this will be the third time
How many times
are you gonna break my heart
how many times are you gonna break
the basic rules of love
I can't believe that I've been such a fool
each time putting my trust in you
I guess I hoping for some great miracle
no not wanting to let go of our dream
But I guess I was the only one
that believed in me and you
So I was the only one
who could see the bigger picture
what our future would of held
How could you throw it
throw it all away
like this
just cast away all of our hopes and dreams
Yea, I used to love you with all my heart
but now, now I cant wait
until we, until we are apart
until we are apart
I don't care about this anymore
I've gone way past this
we've gone way too far
I cant even look you in the eye
just leave, won't you please
I can't look you in the eye
I'm so ashamed
I can't believe I've waited this long
hoping on a dream that never was
believing in a bigger picture
of love
Just how many chances does one try
holding onto something that wasn't meant to be
just how many heart breaks can one withstand
just how much torture can one learn to endure
When the one you think loves you
doesn't return the favor they want from you
how are you supposed to love again
just how am I to survive
what does the future hold for me now
How could you throw it
throw it all away
like this
just cast away all of our hopes and dreams
You say you made a mistake
that you won't ever do it again
this will be the third time
How many times
are you gonna break my heart
how many times are you gonna break
the basic rules of love
I don't care about this anymore
I've gone way past this
we've gone way too far
I cant even look you in the eye
just leave, won't you please
I can't look you in the eye
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/20/2013)
I've gone way past this, gone way too far
I cant even look you in the eye
How could you throw it
throw it all away
like this
just cast away our dreams
I used to love you with all my heart
but now I cant wait
until we, until we are apart
until we are apart
You say you made a mistake
that you won't ever do it again
this will be the third time
How many times
are you gonna break my heart
how many times are you gonna break
the basic rules of love
I can't believe that I've been such a fool
each time putting my trust in you
I guess I hoping for some great miracle
no not wanting to let go of our dream
But I guess I was the only one
that believed in me and you
So I was the only one
who could see the bigger picture
what our future would of held
How could you throw it
throw it all away
like this
just cast away all of our hopes and dreams
Yea, I used to love you with all my heart
but now, now I cant wait
until we, until we are apart
until we are apart
I don't care about this anymore
I've gone way past this
we've gone way too far
I cant even look you in the eye
just leave, won't you please
I can't look you in the eye
I'm so ashamed
I can't believe I've waited this long
hoping on a dream that never was
believing in a bigger picture
of love
Just how many chances does one try
holding onto something that wasn't meant to be
just how many heart breaks can one withstand
just how much torture can one learn to endure
When the one you think loves you
doesn't return the favor they want from you
how are you supposed to love again
just how am I to survive
what does the future hold for me now
How could you throw it
throw it all away
like this
just cast away all of our hopes and dreams
You say you made a mistake
that you won't ever do it again
this will be the third time
How many times
are you gonna break my heart
how many times are you gonna break
the basic rules of love
I don't care about this anymore
I've gone way past this
we've gone way too far
I cant even look you in the eye
just leave, won't you please
I can't look you in the eye
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/20/2013)
Good To See Me In The Mirror Again
You said something about our interferences
and something about how we never seem to grow
you always talk about the things that don't mean anything
and sometimes I try and listen you cuz I think you know it all
But then there are the times I think you've gone off the deep end
so I pretend to question my sanity while I hear your psychobabble
screaming inside to myself please some one come and free me
i'm stuck with this woman who won't shut up
I swear she must be from some kind of hell
So I try to slip into some sort self induced coma just to get away
a peace of mind far away from those who would bring me down
where the peaceful quite reigns supreme all around
and when its time to come back I'll be extra slow to rise
opening just one eye squinting to take a peak
to find you starring right back at me, wow there's no surprise
When are you gonna leave me alone
how many times am I gonna show you the door
pack your things and have them waiting when you get home
tell you I don't want hear your petty little thoughts
and just to show you that I still care I'll say these last few words
don't let the screen hit you in your bum as your heading out the front door
One, two , three and four, you're gonna be leaving out the front door
five , six, seven and eight finally I'm gonna be able to hear my own thoughts
nine and ten where have I been, lost in world of make believe
it's good to see me in the mirror for a change once again
It's good to see me in the mirror again
it's good to see me in the mirror again
it's good to see me in the mirror my old friend
it's good to see me in the mirror again
It's good to see me in the mirror again
it's good to see me, it's good to see me
it's good to see me, it's good to see me
it's good to see me in the mirror again
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/20/2013)
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The Road That I'm On
When I get those feelings
the ones that fill my dreams
I can't help but to wonder
what they really mean
Gone above the clouds
dipping through the ones I loved
the past becomes the present
and I get all mixed up inside
So many years lost on the side
running from the heartache
looking for some place to hide
I don't want to be the one
to hear those words of goodbye
Trying to follow the morning sun
looking to fix what hurts me inside
hoping the road that I'm on
has to end up somewhere, cuz I tried
to believe that I'll find love
Here comes that old feeling
been here so many times before
needing some one to fill my empty void
before my poor heart closes all the doors
You and me we had a dream
pretty flowers, brooks and streams
endless spring and summer all around
the sun was always smiling on us
when he was looking down
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/19/2013)
Monday, February 18, 2013
I'm Drained To My Core
You and him
always together behind me
always sneaking away
it's frightening
All the while you're smiling
even right into my face
your lies and your deceit
when you two want to creep
are stabbing me in the back
Why do you find it's cool
to play me for the fool
it's breaking my heart in two
it's time for me to let go
cuz I'm the only one here in love
Crush crush darling
crush crush darling
you took me for all you can
you took me for all that I am
No there's no more
no there's no more
I'm drained to my core
ya I'm drained to my core
I look at you
and I can't believe what I see
how you can just look at me
how you grew such a cold heart
Just what did I do
to hurt you
that caused you to be this way
I tried with all my will
but it wasn't ever enough
Crush crush darling
crush crush darling
you took me for all you can
you took me for all that I am
You and him
always together behind me
always sneaking away
it's frightening
All the while you're smiling
even right into my face
your lies and your deceit
when you two want to creep
are stabbing me in the back
No there's no more
no there's no more
I'm drained to my core
ya I'm drained to my core
Ya I'm drained to my core
ya I'm drained to my core
ya I'm drained to my core
ya I'm drained to my core
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/18/2013)
(inspired by No Doubt -Don't Speak)
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Play The Fooled
Tonight I was captured by the stars
so bright and full of life
like you were on that night
when you became my wife
I dreamed of our future bold
and always came home to you to hold
lost in my dream how could I see
that you had other plans to deceive
Bringer of our doom
it's you that drew the breathe and ruin
dancing on their ballroom floor
leaving me here behind this door
Was he worth the price we paid
damnation in every word you say
how am I to believe
that he was or is the only one
Your lies are as cold as stone
why don't you just leave me alone
right here to heal my heart
the memories of our love
are tearing me apart
So what am I to say
you made the bed you lay
coming back to me like I'm crazy
like I was the one to blame
forget you, no way
Told you you were the only one
this life we would live as one
a future we promised to uphold
and I kept my part unlike you
So now I'll play the fooled again
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/12/13
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
She Doesn't Want Me to Know
I thought this night
would last me...forever
but now I find
I just can't get enough
I can see the bigger picture
her writing on the wall above me
I just can't imagine my life without her
What can I do to convince her
to stay with me forever
how am I, just a simple man
going to show her
how in time our love can bloom
But there's always something
that's holding us back
something hidden deep away
something that just won't let go
some kind of hurt
that she doesn't want me to know
She is the sun
and in my universe
she's the light that guides me
you know every where I go
she shines all around me
warming me with her after glow
And when she arises
the whole world shines so bright
this woman that keeps me feeling alive
loving every word that she speaks
I don't want her to ever leave
Even in the darkness
I know she is always there
I can feel her holding my hand
constantly staying away the fear
until we return at the break of dawn
But there's always something
that's holding us back
something hidden deep away
Something that just won't let go
some kind of hurt
that she doesn't want me to know
What can I do to convince her
to stay with me forever
how am I, just a simple man
going to show her
how in time our love can bloom
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/6/2013)
would last me...forever
but now I find
I just can't get enough
I can see the bigger picture
her writing on the wall above me
I just can't imagine my life without her
What can I do to convince her
to stay with me forever
how am I, just a simple man
going to show her
how in time our love can bloom
But there's always something
that's holding us back
something hidden deep away
something that just won't let go
some kind of hurt
that she doesn't want me to know
She is the sun
and in my universe
she's the light that guides me
you know every where I go
she shines all around me
warming me with her after glow
And when she arises
the whole world shines so bright
this woman that keeps me feeling alive
loving every word that she speaks
I don't want her to ever leave
Even in the darkness
I know she is always there
I can feel her holding my hand
constantly staying away the fear
until we return at the break of dawn
But there's always something
that's holding us back
something hidden deep away
Something that just won't let go
some kind of hurt
that she doesn't want me to know
What can I do to convince her
to stay with me forever
how am I, just a simple man
going to show her
how in time our love can bloom
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/6/2013)
Some One To Lift You
Something dark calls out your name
from the shadows is it to blame
for the voices trapped in your head
too late to turn them off
will they leave you for dead
Nothing's right
nothing's where it should be
can't see the forest for the trees
too many have tried to be free
only to fall...fall deep in to misery
You scream at the top of your lungs
but no one's around to hear your plea
lost in the crowd wondering where you are
somehow this just can't be all there is
no..this can't be your destiny
Your dreams have escaped
not wanting to be drowned by this world
you're sinking faster and faster in the quicksand
how can you save yourself from the grey
when you turn your head from the cause
The voices are calling your name again
they know just how to present themselves
they're using your weakness against you to get in
gathering more and more strength along the way
not too much longer can you hold on
But there's a glimpse of hope hanging on
a light at the end of your tunnel of life
just pull on your silver string and maybe you can return
you could even be the person you want or used to be
maybe some one will notice or acknowledge you
Will she ever notice that you are alive
so many times you put yourself out there
only to get shot down so you can't fly
but there's still time, some one may be out there
some one to lift you above the clouds
(by Roelin Davis all rights reserved 2/6/2013)
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